
Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas is in the air... but remember January has its own Opportunities!

Lots of Learning Opportunities in January

A.  EPSI Opportunities

Because of their popularity, EPSI will continue to  offer our series of weekly sessions, this time, in all three EPSI areas: Wellness, Lifelong learning, and Productivity. Exciting sessions now being explored. Final details TBA  and to begin Janurary 4th.

"What to do as a First Responder:  The most Basic First Aid when others become ill"
"Spirituality and How it can Help"
"Exploring the Changing Family"
"Living after You Heart Condition"
"Understanding Alziehmers"
"Taking a New Look at Depression"
"Why is Cancer so Prevalent"
"Resistence Training and Back Pain"

Lifelong Learning
"Learning About Facebook"
" E readers: Kobo vs. Kindel"
"Basics re creating your Family Tree"
"Downloading Photos"
"Conducting a Home Heat Audit"
"Playing Cribbage"
"Overall Senior Safety Tips and the Vial of Life"
"Photography Club Sessions"


There is interest in showcasing the various volunteer Opportunities in East Princ.  Watch for details on our website, facebook, community happenings, TV radio notice boards.

B.  As Always...
Excellent Options at Seniors' College

Catalogue of Courses

C.  PEI Community Schools


Upcoming Catalogue

Be a Part of Something Very Special!!