
Friday, December 30, 2011

EPSI Story for 2011- The Living Christmas Tree

EPSI & Credit Union Place 
" Living Christmas Tree"
Happy New Year!

Bobby Dunn (CUP), Pat Power , Gloria Schurman (EPSI)

Randy Yeo and Friends

Edith Doucette
Arthritis volunteers
Joyce McCardle
Summerside Habitat for Humanity
Carol MacLean
Kensington Habitat for Humanity
D.R. Morrison
Izzy Doll Makers
Woody Pauptit
Kuddles for Kids volunteers
Ann Kilby
East Prince Meals on Wheels volunteers
Kay Wall
Tyne Valley & Area choir
Andrew Gallant
East Prince Firefighters
Mary McGuire
Steven Lewis G’ma Circle of PEI - East Prince
Pat Poirier
Credit Union Place volunteers
Rosaleen  Mahoney
55+ Games Board and volunteers
Cathy Gaudet
PEI Community School volunteers
Claude Gaudet
Friends of Eptek
Rev. Arthur Davies
PCH volunteers
Marvyn Ramsay
PEI Seniors College volunteers
Antoine Richard
Summerside House of Prayer
Marilyn Sark
Summerside Rotary Club
Anna Cornish
Chez Nous volunteers
Carolyn McKie
East Prince music groups
Judy Clark
Summerside Kinettes
Pat Power
Summerside Kinsmen Club
Wayne Trowsdale
Wyatt Heritage volunteers
Janice Trowsdale
International Children’sMemorial Place volunteers
Nila Murray
Le Club d'Âge d'or de Mont Carmel
Reverend Pam Reidpath
East Prince choirs
Aldine Richard 
Aviation Heritage Society
Wayne Lilly
Garth Turtle
Emily Schurman
Vivian Phillips
Dorothy Griffin Farish
School  volunteers across East Prince
Cliff Poirier
Church volunteers across East Prince
Jane Somers
Wedgewood  Manor volunteers
Irving Arsenault
Summerset Manor volunteers
Lloyd Cantelo
PCH volunteers
Lew Champion
Tyne Valley Hospital volunteers
Doreen Gallant
PCH Auxiliary
Joyce MacDonald
Tyne Valley Auxiliary
Paul H. Schurman
Jubilee Theatre volunteers
Ron Pineau
Minor Hockey volunteers
Wayne Moores
Salvation Army volunteers
Beth Conway
Hospice Palliative Care Association of PEI
Ed Pearson
East Prince Legions
Thelma Phillips
Foot Care Clinic volunteers
Susan Locke
Randy Yeo & Friends
Johnny Fitzgerald

See You in 2012!
EPSI Board and Staff

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remembering the Women from École Polytechnique and from PEI

PEI Women
Carrie Crosman
Shirley Anne Dougay
Della Waddell
Debbie Holmes
Elaine Myers
Mary Waite
Kimberly Byrne
Crystal Beairsto
Maurean Brady-MacDonnell

Thank You for Your Lives and Dreams!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Opportunity to Experience Painting

"Visions of Voice"
Enjoy Painting free and without the rules!

Learn with Lise Genova, a Summerside artist
No Experience Needed... All about Fun

Five- 2 hour weekly sessions, Mondays 2-4 pm
Begins Jan. 9th and continues until Feb. 6th
at Lefurgey Cultural Centre, 205 Prince St., Summerside

Limited to 25 participants- Names will be drawn for spaces
Apply Early- Draw on December 19th

Contact EPSI (888-2175)

* A LEAP Project funded by the PEI Dept. of Tourism and Culture, administered by PEI Senior Citizens Federation Inc., and partnership of EPSI and Wyatt Heritage Properties, Summerside

Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas is in the air... but remember January has its own Opportunities!

Lots of Learning Opportunities in January

A.  EPSI Opportunities

Because of their popularity, EPSI will continue to  offer our series of weekly sessions, this time, in all three EPSI areas: Wellness, Lifelong learning, and Productivity. Exciting sessions now being explored. Final details TBA  and to begin Janurary 4th.

"What to do as a First Responder:  The most Basic First Aid when others become ill"
"Spirituality and How it can Help"
"Exploring the Changing Family"
"Living after You Heart Condition"
"Understanding Alziehmers"
"Taking a New Look at Depression"
"Why is Cancer so Prevalent"
"Resistence Training and Back Pain"

Lifelong Learning
"Learning About Facebook"
" E readers: Kobo vs. Kindel"
"Basics re creating your Family Tree"
"Downloading Photos"
"Conducting a Home Heat Audit"
"Playing Cribbage"
"Overall Senior Safety Tips and the Vial of Life"
"Photography Club Sessions"


There is interest in showcasing the various volunteer Opportunities in East Princ.  Watch for details on our website, facebook, community happenings, TV radio notice boards.

B.  As Always...
Excellent Options at Seniors' College

Catalogue of Courses

C.  PEI Community Schools


Upcoming Catalogue

Be a Part of Something Very Special!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Upcoming Sessions this Week

  EPSI Free Sessions for 50+ at Credit Union Place

Tuesday, November 8th, 7-8pm "Winter Fitness"  Francois Caron, Outdoor Educator

Wedsnesday, November 9th , 10-11am "Exercise &Your Heart", Heart & Stroke Assoc.

Thank You for the Great Sessions this Past Week

Nutrition & Hydration with Jillian Wood, Simply for Life

Gayle Mueller speaks about "Elder Abuse and How to Help a Friend"

Dr Tim Stultz and Celia discuss the importance of Movement

Keen Audience with Dr. Tim

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Movember 2011-PEI Shave Off!

Movember sees men grow a mustache for  November to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer.

 Exciting morning at the Movember Shave Off!

Thanks to everybody who came out and to the  Holman Grand.

Movember is off to a strong start with support this am from Justice John K. Mitchell, MLA Wes Sheridan, MLA Robert Mitchell, MLA James Aylward (PC), Charlottetown Fire Chef Randy MacDonald, CBC Island Morning Matt Rainie & Mitch Cormier. Wes Sheridan and Randy MacDonald shaved off their moustaches for the first time in over 30 years each!

Congrats to Ray from Rays Place for the amazing straight razor skills, a true lost art.

For more information as to how you can get involved, go to facebook "Movember Prince Edward Island" or goggle "Movember 2011 Canada".  This is a great opportunity for men to show their support for prostate cancer awareness, treatment and research.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Seward(Office Manager), Don(Third Quarter), Gloria (Executive Director)

Eileen- "Molly Malone" (Communications & Marketing)
Catherine with Go Community

Friday, October 28, 2011

Keeping Breast Cancer Awareness Alive, while Instilling Hope

So proud of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for launching this excellent yourself a favor and click on this link. Thanks!

QEH Video re Breast Cancer

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Benefits of Mature Workers

Daily we see that workers are staying in the workforce longer. In fact, we know that baby boomers are looking for extra income with part time or fulltime work, with 1 out of ten older seniors working to just cover their expenses.  There are also many benefits to hiring seniors:
  1. Satisfied Customers:  If you higher older workers, older buyers will greatly appreciate this.
  2. Service with Experience: Customer Service is coupled with experience & effective problem-solving.
  3. Loyalty and Strong Work Ethic: Older workers stay longer and are very focussed, enhancing sales and saving employers time & money.
Also, have a listen to today's show from Maritime Noon re "Benefits of Hiring a Mature Worker"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Celebrate the Fall with Free Educational Sessions

Carmella Richard leading Session.

College Acadie assists with blood pressures.

Credit Union Place Sessions

-Tuesday Evenings, 7-8 pm

October 11, “Exercise & Diabetes”
By Diabetes Association

October 25, “Nutrition & Hydration
By Jillian Wood, Simply for Life

November 8, “Winter Fitness”
By Francois Caron, Go PEI

November 15, “Theraputic Touch”Gayle Mueller
November 22, “Senior Safety Issues”- Vial for Life
By Joyce Mc Cardle, Western Coordinator

-Wedsnesday Mornings, 10-11 am
October 12, “Exercise & Arthritis”
By Sarah Drew,  Arthritis Association

November 9, “Exercise & Your Heart”
By Sarah Crozier, Heart & Stroke Foundation

November 16, "Dealing with Chronic Pain"
by John Wartman, Arthritis Association

November 23, “Winter Fitness” by Francois Caron

November 30, “Living a Healthy Life” & Certificates
By Mary Acorn, Healthy Living Coordinator

Gayle Mueller leads Session.

Wellington- Le Bel Age
Tuesdays 10-11 am

11 octobre :
Marche ou exercices, pression artérielle et rythme cardiaque avec les élèves du programme Soins infirmiers auxiliaires du Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É.

18 octobre : Choisir les bons souliers pour marcher
Avec Rose Delaney, physiothérapeute

25 octobre :
Marche ou exercices, pression artérielle et rythme cardiaque avec les élèves du programme Soins infirmiers auxiliaires du Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É.

1er novembre : La santé générale et le mouvement
Avec Dr Tim Stultz

8 novembre :
Marche ou exercices, pression artérielle et rythme cardiaque avec les élèves du programme Soins infirmiers auxiliaires du Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É.

15 novembre : Diabète
Avec Murphy’s Pharmacy

22 novembre :
Marche ou exercices, pression artérielle et rythme cardiaque avec les élèves du programme Soins infirmiers auxiliaires du Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É.

29 novembre : Faire des choix santé toute l’année
Avec l’Île s’engage!, Eileen Conway-Martin et le Réseau des services de santé en français de l’Î.-P.-É.

6 décembre :
Visite au Centre de récréation Évangeline

Everyone is welcome to any location. Hope to see you there!!

Go East Prince Walking/Moving: Ya Gonna Love it!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Time to say Thanks to all who contribute....


Thank You!
 East Prince Seniors Initiative