PLEASE NOTE: We received this message from Community Legal Information Association about courses they will be offering. These issues often touch the lives of grandparents as well. This is an excellent community service:
With the help of the United Way of PEI, we will be hosting three Fall sessions of our
free custody and access course called
The Best Interests of the Child
in Custody and Access.
You will learn:
• What you can expect if you have to go to court to resolve a custody and access dispute.
• How the ‘best interests of the children’ can be met.
• Ways to resolve your dispute outside of court.
These sessions are delivered by a volunteer lawyer.
Professionals who work with clients in this area are also welcome.
September 11th & 13th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Ch'town)
(Cathy Chaisson, Legal Aid)
October 23rd & 25th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Ch'town)
(Ron Profit, Cox & Palmer)
November 6th & 8th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Summerside)
(Nancy Key, McInnes Cooper)
Please let clients, friends and family know!
To register:
902-892-0853 or 1-800-240-9798